Thursday, 6 December 2012

Second Painting Method

Second Painting Method:

This method consists of using Plasti-Dip to seal the foam - instead of the watered down glue mixture.

So I went out and bought some things I need for this to work. I read a few tutorials on painting foam and came up with this:

2-3 Coats of Plasti-Dip
2 Coats of Dupli-Color Adhesion Promoter
2-3 Coats of desired paint choice
2 coats of Dupli-Color Clear Gloss (optional)

I got all of this stuff and tested it.

Here's what the Plasti-Dip looks like on the back piece and arm cannon

Now I waited and did a couple more coats on each. Then applied the Adhesion Promoter (be sure to read the label because it says coats are to be done within 2-3 minutes and paint applied within 10 minutes). Then I sprayed it down with Dupli-Color Automotive Paint.

 That's one coat on the gun.

And thats two coats on the back piece. I'll probably do 1-2 more.

Here's what the front chest piece looks like completed.

Then I got some plastic and tinted it green with glass paint.

And shoved it in the slit things


It's not perfect but it's pretty cool. I think I could of done either thicker or more coats of the Plasti-Dip to get rid of some of the dimples. LEDs will be added to the back and shine through the holes. I'm also going to do some weathering for a more realistic look.

Here's what I've painted so far

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